• 1 Quick Quote
  • 2 Personal Details
  • 3 Cover Details
  • 4 Declaration
  • 5 Payment

Quick Quote

Your Details

All fields are required except where marked as optional.

Date of Birth

Select Cover

Select Cover

Gross Monthly Income

Gross Monthly Income

Required Benefit

Monthly Benefit Required

Policy Start Date

Policy Start Date

Payment Type

Select Payment Type

Insurance Product Information Document (IPID)  /  Policy Wording

The maximum number of benefit payments that would be payable for any claim.

The number of days you have chosen at application, when you must be unemployed or unable to work before the start of the claim waiting period.

The amount of days immediately following the Policy start date when you cannot claim for Unemployment.

The maximum benefit is £2500.00 or 65.00% of your normal monthly gross income.

If we choose yes, premium will be depends on medical health score.